Thursday, November 29, 2007

A kind of near-death experience.

Last Sunday I was eating toast in my living room and all of a sudden a piece ended up lodged in my throat. I stood up really fast and I could see in a mirror that we have hanging on the wall that my face was purple and my lips were blue. I ran into the bedroom where my boyfriend was on the phone and since he had just woken up from a nap the lights were off. I attempted to get his attention by waving my arms but he thought i was just being weird. In a panic, and in no shape to wait for him to figure out what was actually going on, I ran into the kitchen and began to perform the Heimlich on myself by pushing my abdomen up against the kitchen counter repeatedly. I got it out eventually, but in the process I accidentally hit my ribs a few times and now have battle wounds from doing so. The whole experience scared me to death and left me hysterical for about two hours. I had to call into work because I couldn't stop throwing up from anxiety. I was a mess. Thankfully Jake was able to calm me down and help me realize that even though I COULD have choked to death, I didn't and to be thankful for that.

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